Customers may download the latest version of their purchases from:
Note: You need to create your own password before you can login to the download area. Use the "forgot password" link for a temporary password.
Product Updates
March 26th 2025
Revised our "Live SD" files for Ableton Live's Session Drums. These files offer 100% compatibility for both the "Club" and "Studio" versions of Live Session Drums.
March 19th 2025
Added revised files for Perfect Drums, now known as DW Soundworks. These files offer better compatibility with the DW Soundworks groove window. You'll find the files inside your download's "Other MIDI Mappings" folder, inside the folder ending with 'PD'.
March 7th 2025
Added the new 'Electronic' content to our Mega Pack. See the note for January 28th, 2025 for details.
January 28th 2025
Added a Beat Buddy PBF and 253 new MIDI files to our Electronic Pack and our Producer Pack.
January 13th 2025
Added 284 new MIDI files and a Beat Buddy PBF file with 21 songs to our Fusion Pack. Added this new content to our Mega Pack also.
December 1st 2024
Steven Slate Drums update. All packs were updated with revised SSD5 files for better compatibility with the app's AI playback window.
November 21st 2024
Added a PBF file (Beat Buddy) with 35 new songs.
This update also applies to the Mega Pack and our Producer Pack.
August 20th 2024
Added 15 new songs to the Ballad pack PBF file (Beat Buddy)
February 28th 2024
Added a new pack: Rush Beats
November 29th 2023
All packs updated with two new formats and new "drum maps" (see the "Extras" folder)
- BFD Player
- ML Drums
December 2 2022
Added a new pack: Odd Meter Mania
June 29th 2022
Added files for Ujam Drummer and our new 'Police Beats' pack.
August 20th 2021
- 415 new MIDI files in 28 "song sets"
- Added a new PBF file for Beat Buddy
- also added the PBF to our Mega Pack
June 26th 2021
All products updated with revised FPC files for FL Studio.
For usage details and documentation see this blog post.
June 2nd 2021
- Added a new PBF file for Beat Buddy
May 20th 2021
- new bonus grooves
- timing and velocity tweaks
- improved appearance for formats like Addictive Drums
March 19th 2021
- 3 new 'songs' for Beat Buddy
- timing and velocity tweaks
- improved appearance for formats like Addictive Drums
February 24 2021
All Packs: Added files for MT Power Drums and Perfect Drums.
February 23 2021
Mega Pack: Added files for MT Power Drums and Perfect Drums.
November 10th 2020
Mega Pack: Added 'Southern Rock' pack
October 7th 2020
Mega Pack: Added 'Garage Rock Revival' pack
September 23 2020
We now have the ability to map our files for DrumForge. At this time, these mappings will only be available upon request.
June 26th 2020
All Packs: Added files for GetGood Drums. Note: The folder names have 'GGD' at the end.
March 17th 2020
World Beats: revised Addictive Drums files
Mega Pack: revised Addictive Drums files for Electronic and World Beats.
March 16th 2020
Electronic: revised Addictive Drums files
February 27th 2020
Classic Rock: Added 16 full-length songs, one for each of the pack's "song sets".
February 8th 2020
Clean up and reorganize files for Addictive Drums including:
- More detailed categories: Soul, Funk, Hip Hop, Percussion
- Corrected tempo issues in some of the files
January 30th 2020
All drum packs: We shortened our EZDrummer & Superior folders by removing "Groove Monkee" and related formatting (originating with EZdrummer v1).
December 4 2019
Blues Classics: Added 2 songs to the Beat Buddy PBF
November 4th 2019
Mega Pack: Added "Classic Rock" Pack
October 18th 2019
Jazz Buddy: Added new Bossa Nova set
September 23rd 2019
- added new Dubstep beats
- added MODO Drum mapping
- PC Installer now works for Addictive Drums 2
- PC Installer now works for Addictive Drums 2
- Corrected some SSD5 folders
- Rock Essentials 2 update added
- Blues update added
- Electronic update added
August 30th 2019
- Added files mapped for MODO Drum
- Revised "Waltz on 3" grooves and fills
August 28th 2019
- Added files mapped for MODO Drum
- New versions of 2 complete songs: 'Pride and Joy' and '3 AM Blues'
August 25th 2019
- Added files mapped for MODO Drum
- PC installer updated to properly install the Ballads pack
- Added revised World Beats files (see info from August 23rd 2019)
August 23rd 2019
- Added files mapped for MODO Drum
- File renaming for files that are not in 4/4
- Repaired damaged time signatures
- Added percussion for EZdrummer 2
- Toontrack files: Remapped cowbell to ride bell for better compatibility
- Toontrack files: added optional files with original cowbell mapping
April 29th 2019
Ballad Pack added to the Mega Pack.
April 24th 2019
Rock Essentials 1: Added PBF file and song files (.sng) for Beat Buddy. The Mega Pack and Combo 1 packs were also updated.
April 15th 2019
Ballad pack: PBF and .sng files for Beat Buddy revised due to a Beat Buddy manager software error. Their software set some files to the wrong time signature.
December 31st 2018
Added Hi-Octane to the Mega Pack.
November 14th 2018
We added Steven Slate Drums 5 files for all drum packs (except Afro-Cuban Percussion which requires Battery 3). Users may download the latest version of their purchases again at the download area (support menu > Download Area).
September 4th, 2018
We added a new groove and fills to the Country Waltz.
May 1, 2018
We just added a new song set with more to come in the coming months! The set includes a full-length track plus plenty of variations and fills.
March 26th, 2018
3 packs updated as follows:
- BeatBuddy PBF added
- Intro and outro fills added
- Traditional Waltz added
Led Head Bundle - Toontrack folder revised to show missing full-length songs
Hard Rock - fixed a malformed file
These updates also apply to the Mega Pack, Combo Packs 1 and 2.
Download the newest versions from: Support->Download Area
December 2017
- Three additional packs added
- Steven Slate and Studio Drummer files adjusted
December 16, 2017
- Added two new sets: 3-4 bop and uptempo swing
- Fixed Steven Slate 4 files
December 12, 2017
- New Samba grooves & fills (look for the set @ 112 BPM)
- Fixed Steven Slate 4 files
September 28th, 2017
- 1. File and folder reorganization
- 2. Fills separated from grooves
- 3. Velocity tweaks
September 6th, 2017
Rock Essentials 1 - added extended, live "trash can" endings
- File and folder reorganization
- Fills separated from grooves
- Lyra format added (Auria Pro)
July 2017
All installers now work with EZdrummer 2.
May 25th, 2017
World Beats - Added 7 new Bossa Nova grooves with variations (hat, ride, side stick, snare) and fills (hat and ride). 4-4 folder reorganized also. This is a FREE update!
Also included with Producer Pack 2 and the Mega pack. If you've purchased any of these, download again at: Support-> Download Area.
April 21st, 2017
Blues Classics now has 18 extended blues tracks (3 minutes or more) with intro, grooves (alternating hat and ride) and finishing with a blues outro fill.
March 29nd 2017
Metal pack revised with the following changes:
1. File and folder reorganization
2. Fills separated from grooves
3. Velocity tweaks
4. Lyra format added (Auria Pro)
5. New full-length tracked added (mini pack)
Also updated: Mega Pack and Combo 2
Download the newest version from: Support->Download Area
February 23rd 2017
Punk pack revised with the following changes:
1. File and folder reorganization
2. Fills separated from grooves
3. Outro fills added
4. Lyra format added (Auria Pro)
5. Velocity tweaks
February 14th 2017
Blues pack revised with the following changes:
1. File renaming and folder restructuring
2. BFD2 and BFD3 palettes renamed
3. Lyra format added (Auria Pro)
4. Velocity tweaks
January 19th 2017
Big revision of Breakbeats with the following changes:
1. BeatBuddy PBF added
2. Fills now available as separate loops
3. Lyra format added (Auria Pro)
4. Velocity tweaks
January 8th 2017
TOTAL REVISION of Contemporary Rock. It will now be much easier to use due to the following changes:
1. Grooves sorted into individual folders
2. Fills now available as separate loops
3. Now has outro fills
4. Velocity tweaks
5. Lyra format added (Auria Pro)
Now has MIDI loops mapped for Auria Pro's Lyra and the updated version of Contemporary Rock.
September 21st 2016
TOTAL REVISION of three Packs! It will now be much easier to work with these massive collections.
Hard Rock, Rock Essentials 1 & Rock Essentials 2
1. Grooves sorted into individual folders
2. Fills were cut off the end and available as separate loops
3. Hard Rock now has outro fills (bonus fills added too!)
September 1st 2016
World Beats - percussion loops for Toontrack revised (EZdrummer 1 & 2, Superior Drummer - requires Latin EZX expansion pack). Modified and improved: claves, shakers, cabasa, maracas and "sticks". Also included with our Producer Pack 2 and Mega pack. If you've purchased any of these, download again at: Support->Download Area.
August 3rd 2016
Free Mini Metal Pack of complete Sabbath and Metallica tunes added to the Metal pack. Also included with our Combo 2 and Mega packs! If you've purchased any of these, download at: Support->Download Area.
July 13th 2016
4 packs have been updated for Beat Buddy:
1. Hard Rock - PBF and 75 new loops added including outro fills
2. Blues - PBF added (full songs only)
3. Led Head Vol 2 - PBF added
4. Country - endings changed to outro fills
The Mega Pack, Combo 2 and Led Head Bundle have also been updated.April 29th 2016
Loops for FL Studio's FPC were added for: World Beats and Punk.
BeatBuddy loops added for Electronic.
April 17th 2016
Jazz Buddy Update:
Jazz Buddy updated to include ALL supported formats.
Click HERE for a comprehensive list.
Mega Pack Update:
The Mega Pack now includes Jazz Buddy and Led Head Bundle. It now contains the full version of all 25 midi drum loop packs!
NOTE: To get the new files, please go to: Support->Download Area
March 24th 2016
NEW loops: Jazz Buddy
Jazz updated with all new, professionally recorded grooves in BeatBuddy format. This includes a PBF file and 550 midi loops in 13 sets.
Mega Pack "BeatBuddy Add-on" updated to include Jazz Buddy files.
February 21st 2016
Punk updated with PBF file, SNG files, new grooves, fills and outro fills - all tweaked for BeatBuddy.
The Mega Pack now has a Beat Buddy download with all available PBF files. It is only accessible through your account at: Support->Download Area
February 16th 2016
BeatBuddy Drum Loop Freebie: PBF updated with Punk grooves and fills.
January 21st 2016
Retro Funk: includes 12 songs in a BeatBuddy PBF file, midi files, new outro fills and all 12 songs as .sng "song" format.
January 13th 2016
Blues Rock: includes all 10 songs in a BeatBuddy PBF file. We've also included the midi files, new outro fills and exported all 10 songs as .sng "song" format.
January 10th 2016
Country: Revised PBF File uploaded
BeatBuddy Drum Loop Freebie: PBF file added with 7 complete songs from Big Easy, Blues Rock, Country, Contemporary Rock, Led Head Vol. 1, Rock 2 and Retro Funk.
January 9th 2016Rock 2: added PBF file with 13 songs. Outro fills (Short Endings) added to midi files folder and we exported all songs in BeatBuddy SNG format.
December 9th and 10th 2015
Country Pack: short endings ("outro fills") added in midi format. You can now easily replace our longer outros (codas) with short outro fills.
Contemporary Rock: includes all 10 songs a BeatBuddy PBF file allowing you to easily import into the BeatBuddy Manager. We've also included the midi files, new outro fills and exported all 10 songs as .sng "song" format.
Note: This pack was formerly known as "Rock 3".
Big Easy: added PBF file with all 10 songs plus the bonus material. Outro fills (Short Endings) added to midi files folder and we exported all songs in BeatBuddy SNG format.
December 3rd, 2015
Today we released our first FULLY compatible pack for BeatBuddy!
Groove Monkee Country includes 10 songs in a BeatBuddy PBF file you can easily import into the BeatBuddy Manager. We've also included the midi files and exported all 10 songs as SNG "song" format!
Country was recorded by Nashville Session Pro Rory Faciane and includes 10 song sets for modern country. Each set includes: intro fills, intro grooves, verse, chorus, prechorus, bridge, several outros and endings.
Midi Files: We've included extra fills and two verse and chorus grooves for each set. Each verse or chorus is available either with or without fills added at the end. Having grooves without fills and a large selection of drum fills is key for BeatBuddy users creating their own songs using midi loops.
Previous Updates
10-31-14 Updates
1. We added support for Groove Agent 4.
You can download some free midi drum loops for Groove Agent 4 - CLICK HERE
This free pack includes over 200 midi loops covering 70 plus musical styles - from blues and jazz to rock and metal. We currently offer over 20 midi packs. Click here to check them out.
2. Our Studio Drummer midi loops were updated for better compatibility.
12-12-14 Drum Freebie Update
We added file name information to the files so the name will now display in Studio One, Pro Tools and others.
2-26-15 Drum Freebie Update
We added a set of loops from our new Retro Funk pack. The set contains 4 and 8-bar funk drum loops from session pro Mike Adamo.
Fall 2015 Product Updates
We've added loops mapped for BeatBuddy to all of our products! These are midi files so you have to assemble them using the BeatBuddy manager software. (see below for the latest BeatBuddy news)
Note: Does not include Afro-Cuban percussion.
If you purchased any of these, you can download the BeatBuddy files at: Support->Download Area.
New Users: use the password reset to establish a password.
Note: The BeatBuddy grooves are in folders with "BB" at the end and stored in the "other midi mappings" folder.
December 3rd, 2015
Today we released our first FULLY compatible pack for BeatBuddy!
Groove Monkee Country includes 10 songs in a BeatBuddy PBF file you can easily import into the BeatBuddy Manager. We've also included the midi files and exported all 10 songs as SNG "song" format!
Country was recorded by Nashville Session Pro Rory Faciane and includes 10 song sets for modern country. Each set includes: intro fills, intro grooves, verse, chorus, prechorus, bridge, several outros and endings.
Midi Files: We've included extra fills and two verse and chorus grooves for each set. Each verse or chorus is available either with or without fills added at the end. Having grooves without fills and a large selection of drum fills is key for BeatBuddy users creating their own songs using midi loops.
December 2015
Country Pack: short endings ("outro fills") added in midi format. You can now easily replace our longer outros (codas) with short outro fills.
Contemporary Rock: includes all 10 songs a BeatBuddy PBF file allowing you to easily import into the BeatBuddy Manager. We've also included the midi files, new outro fills and exported all 10 songs as .sng "song" format.
Note: This pack was formerly known as "Rock 3".
Big Easy: added PBF file with all 10 songs plus the bonus material. Outro fills (Short Endings) added to midi files folder and we exported all songs in BeatBuddy SNG format.