MT Power Drums in Reaper DAW

Auditioning MIDI with MT Power Drum Kit in Reaper

Posted by Groove Monkee on


In this post I explain how to play 3rd party MIDI files using Reaper and MT Power Drum Kit.

This post includes some additional information not found in the video. I'll offer some helpful advice and go over some of the most common controls you can use when working with MIDI loops in Reaper.

Another common question: Do we sell MIDI files that are compatible with MT Power Drums? Yes, if you want to expand your collection, please check out our entire MIDI Drum Loop Collection.

Each download includes a folder of files mapped to work with MT Power Drum Kit.

You may want to watch the video first to get the general idea and see just how easy it is.


Add MT Power Drum Kit to Reaper

Advice: start with an empty Reaper project.

Why? Because you have to select the instrument track you want to use to hear the MIDI files. If you don't select the track with MT Power Drum Kit, you won't hear anything! It's easier to learn this technique if you start with a new project.

1. Right click anywhere in the left side of the main window and select 'Insert virtual instrument on new track'.

2. Select MT PowerDrum Kit from the list.

3. Click 'No' on the 'Build Routing Confirmation' popup window.

4. Close the MT Power Drum Kit window and the FX window as shown in the video. This will bring you back to the main screen in Reaper.

Open the Reaper ‘Media Explorer’ window

From the 'View' menu select 'Media Explorer'. This opens a window that allows you to play MIDI files stored anywhere on your computer.

Browsing MIDI files

You should now be able to select a file and hear it played by MT Power Drum Kit.

If not, make sure you've selected the MT Power Drum Kit instrument track.

The image below shows the controls available in the Media Explorer. Take note of the Loop, Auto Play and 'Tempo match' controls.

Reaper Media Explorer Controls

above: Media Explorer Controls

Adding a Shortcut

You can add a shortcut to the Media Explorer by right clicking on any folder and selecting 'Add shortcut list' as shown in the image below.

Add Media Explorer shortcut in Reaper

above: adding a shortcut

Now that you can audition MIDI, the next step is to build a drum track in Reaper.

Dragging Files into Reaper

As shown in the video above, you can drag MIDI loops into Reaper. This allows you to build a customized drum track very quickly and easily.

Playing Files in Reaper

The image below shows the controls you need to play your drum track as shown in the video above.

To play a section in a continuous loop, you can turn on the Loop function and select the start and end points using your mouse.

Reaper Project Controls

above: Reaper project playback controls

Track Controls Overview

As you can see in the image below, each instrument track also has some useful controls. Please note the location of mute, solo, on/off and the volume trim controls.

Reaper Intrument Track Controls

above: Reaper instrument controls

Free MIDI Files for MT Power Drum Kit

Now that you know how to play MIDI in Reaper with MT Power Drum Kit, you can download some FREE MIDI FOR MT Power Drums here. These loops were selected from our MIDI Drum Loop packs and are mapped to work with MT Power Drum Kit.


If you have any questions about this process or about our products, please contact us.

Thanks for reading and Rock On!

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